My daughters' first word was "shoe". Her shoe collection now is one to be very jealous of - and she's not even 2 yet! It therefore feels very appropriate that we were recently sent a fabulous pair of soft leather shoes from the lovely people at Bubshoes. "Wow", were her words when she saw these ones, and we popped them on to try out straight away.
Now, you can tell when something is not to my little madam's liking - she still likes to hurl certain items / food across the room, however these little hip shoes stayed firmly on her feet all day. And that is one of the joys of these shoes - the fact that they do stay on bubbas feet (and we all know how they like to take their shoes / socks off all the time), plus the fact that the leather is super soft and just moulds around the littles ones little feet perfectly.
Bubshoes have been imported into Australia from South Africa and are relatively new to Australian shores. There is an array of different hip designs to choose from, and sizes range from newborn to 24 months. All shoes are handmade from genuine leather, and are just perfect for the crawler and then ultimately, the early walker.
My little lady is now a proficient walker / runner, and of course, is already is quite happy toddling around in normal shoes, however she seemed to rather like the comfort of these shoes, especially around the house. Also a perfect option when travelling - perhaps on board a long haul flight when one would normally shuffle about in socks. Bubshoes are a perfect compromise.
The Bubshoes website is simple and clean looking and therefore a joy to navigate through...plus, they currently offer free delivery within Australia.
One last word (and rather an important word)...We are delighted to announce that the lovely people at Bubshoes are giving away two pairs of adorable Bubshoes! Check out the conditions below for the very easy entry details, and good luck!
Entries must 'like' BOTH 'The Little Hip Traveller' and 'BubShoes' on Facebook and be subscribed to both mailing lists. To then enter the giveaway, enter your details on the contact page on the Bubshoes website, and state which shoes you would like to win (and size, colour and style from the website, for you or as a gift for a friend)
Bubshoes on facebook
The little hip traveller on facebook
Open within Australia only.
The winners will be drawn at random and announced on the little hip traveller blog and BubShoes newsletter. If they do not contact us within 7 days, the prize will be redrawn
Competition closes 31 March 2011 AEST 5pm. Winners will be advised by email on 5 April 2011.
The sun is shining, the birds are singing, hip mumma's are happily pushing sleeping bubba's through the pretty streets smiling contentedly. There's a slight cool breeze. A beautiful day. But wait, whats that I hear? The sounds of a crying baby? A mum chasing after a runaway muslin wrap, hastening to refasten it over the pram once more with clothes pegs. Bubba is now wide-awake. Mum is now grumpy. Everyone is now very grumpy.
Apart from us. This little hip family are not grumpy. Far from it. I stroll merrily past, confident in the knowledge that my little toddler is safely snoozing away. You see, without trying to sound too coy, my little one is fast asleep in her pram because we have been reviewing the fabulous Snooze Shade. In fact, I have to say, the length of her daytime sleep has increased dramatically since testing out the Snooze Shade. And here's why...
- Snooze Shade is a blackout blind made specifically for prams and strollers.
- Its made from special breathable fabric, and even though its black, it does not retain the heat and is well ventilated inside.
- 50 UVF50+ which is the highest protection available.
- Its universal size means that one size fits all prams and strollers.
- The fabulous sneak-a-peak zip means mums and dads can check on the little hip quietly and subtly.
- No more draping muslin wraps or blankets over the top with those grotty clothes pegs.
- When the weather is bad, it evens fits under your rain cover.
- {My favourite}. It conveniently folds up into a very little drawstring bag which is perfect for leaving under the pram to pull out when necessary (unlike my previous shade cover which was enormous and totally unpractical).
- By blocking out the elements, insects and other distractions, it totally assists little people to sleep on the go, anywhere, and we LOVE anything that helps with sleep on the go!
But best of all, Snooze Shade has been created by a very clever mum, Cara, who turned a dream into reality. How aspirational. We shall hear more from Cara soon - with her own fabulous travel tips.
I have to admit, when I first heard about I thought "oh, its just another shade cover", (we do use them a lot especially in Australia) but how naive was I? You see, the minute you actually see the product, you know its different. The fact that its universal, that its fits on both my pram and my stroller is highly convenient, plus I love the lightweight and foldable material, and of course, the complete blackout is a real bonus.
Good work Cara. What a very hip invention!
Fortunately for us, Cara has given me one more to giveaway, so here's how to win one for yourself (or to giveaway to a friend!)
Just make sure you are followers / friends of both The Little Hip Traveller and SnoozeShade on either Facebook and/or Twitter, (and spread the word to your hip friends) and then answer this very simple question:
What is brand new in 2011 for SnoozeShade? (you'll need to head to the bottom of the SnoozeShade homepage for the answer)
Email your answer to info@thelittlehiptraveller.com.au with 'Snooze' in the title.
Easy. Good luck, and happy snoozing x
Entries must 'like' BOTH 'The Little Hip Traveller' and 'SnoozeShade' on Facebook or Twitter
If they already like, they must suggest both The Little Hip Traveller' and 'SnoozeShade' to friends
The question 'What is brand new for Snooze Shade in 2011?' must be answered by emailing info@thelittlehiptraveller.com.au with SNOOZE in the subject line.
Open to both Australian and NZl readers
The winner will be drawn at random and announced on the little hip traveller blog. If they do not contact me within 7 days, the prize will be redrawn
Competition closes Friday 26th March AEST 5pm.
Bamboo...how hip are you? I am not sure what planet I've been on, but, I am only just getting to grips with how efficient, versatile and clever you really are. Not only are you strong and sustainable, you grow super swiftly without the need of any chemicals and pesticides, require hardly any water to grow, and best of all, you release oxygen into the air thus increasing the air quality, making you super eco friendly. Oh, and did I mention you are also 100% biodegradable?
Bamboo, I love you. But wait....what am I on about? What significance does bamboo have to travelling with little 'hips'?
Well, we all know bamboo is clever and has a large number of uses, from hardwood to charcoal, but its the fabric side of bamboo that I am interested in. And those clever clogs from Bamboo Village got in touch with me and sent me some delicious Bamboo products that are so practical and perfect for travelling with little people. Bamboo Village is a very hip online store who by embracing sustainability with style and have sourced Bamboo products from around the world, and are now introducing them to all of us. Fabulous.
So, Bamboo Village sent us the Junior Natural Travel Pillow which I have to say straight away, my little hips absolutely adore. The colours are brilliantly funky, and the pillow just feels so soft, that you immediately just want to place your head on it, and have a quick 40 winks. The bamboo blended fabric really is as soft as silk, and the inside, filled with natural millet hulls, has just a touch of a faint smell which could only be described as a mildly woody camomile tea flavour. Delicious...and it didn't seem to distract the kids. The pillow cradles around the neck and is suitable for all ages from 3 to 103! We road tested it on a trip to the countryside over the summer, and even Mr 3 year old fell asleep with it (and he never falls asleep!). After a long journey in the car, or stroller, or anywhere in fact, you can simply zip the cover off and pop it in the washing machine, so perfect those for those inevitable spills.
Love this product - thanks Bamboo Village.
Oh, and before I sign off, those lovely peeps at Bamboo Village have given us a fabulous green Travel Pillow to give away.
All you have to do is make sure you 'like' both 'Bamboo Village' and 'The Little Hip Traveller' on Facebook.
We would also like you to tell us "how you ensure your kids are environmentally aware?". Send your answers to info@thelittlehiptraveller.com.au with BAMBOO in the subject line
If you already 'like' us, then make sure you forward this to your friends, and let them know all about us...we love to share!
Good luck!
Entries must 'like' BOTH 'The Little Hip Traveller' and 'Bamboo Village' on Facebook
If they already like, they must suggest both The Little Hip Traveller' and 'Bamboo Village' to friends
The question 'Tell us how you ensure your kids are environmentally aware?' must be answered by emailing info@thelittlehiptraveller.com.au with BAMBOO in the subject line.
Open to both Australian and international readers
The winner will be drawn at random and announced on the little hip traveller blog. If they do not contact me within 7 days, the prize will be redrawn
Competition closes Monday 28th February AEST 5pm.
IMAGE: Branches of a Bamboo: www.free-stockphotos.com
Potty training...it can be a long and arduous task. Trust me, I know, and sadly, am still experiencing it. You either lock yourself at home for weeks on end, and never step foot outside the front door for fear of undoing all your good work, or you head out nervously, dreading the moment when the 'hips' may (or may not) tell you that they need the loo!
Only the other day I was in the supermarket, and the woman in front of me just left everything on the conveyer belt, and pegged it, with her little one, to try and find the toilet. Not sure if she ever found a toilet, as I never saw her again (poor love). If she'd had what I am about to talk about, she may have been able to find a quiet private spot somewhere (when needs must etc...).
So, what is this fabulous product? I have to say, it really is one of my all time favourite travelling / out and about products that I have had the privilege of stumbling across. I first saw it on a trip back to the UK earlier this year, and am now delighted that we finally have access to 'My Carry Potty' in Australia.
I have to say, when I first showed it to my little 'hips', Miss right hip couldn't get to it fast enough, and then proceeded to walk around the house swinging her little yellow carry potty around with her. Very cute, and also great to see that little ones take ownership of it right away. Even Mr Left Hip, the one who is perhaps "allergic" to potties, took an instant liking to it, and now, when I tell him to go and grab his 'My Carry Potty' and put it in the car, he rushes to get it, and pops it in the boot, or the the pram. I can't blame them - 'My Carry Potty' looks bright and fun, and very hip and trendy, and is a perfect size for little ones to look after and carry.
The bright yellow and blue potty is very pleasing to the young eye, and the word on the street is that there are more colours coming soon...therefore, different colours for each sibling. Perfect.
'My Carry Potty' is unique in the fact that its completely leakproof and bag free. Once the child has used the potty, you just close it up, and discard the contents when appropriate. No mess! This makes it just brilliant for travelling, or if you are out for the day, or even just as the main potty at home.
It is especially brilliant for travelling through Australia, where long road trips are not uncommon, and is just perfect to keep 'My Carry Potty' in the boot for those sudden unexpected toilet breaks. Also perfect for camping, on the beach, 4WD trips, or travelling interstate whether it be by road, rail, sea or air.
Having road tested it on a recent trip to the countryside, I have to say that I am most impressed by the 'no mess' aspect and the water tight seal really does work. My only slight gripe is the seat seems to be a tiny bit on the small side, and my little man is not that big, however that is only a very minor aspect of a very ingenious product, and he didn't seem to mind!
'My Carry Potty' was designed by a mum for mums, and the great thing is, that mum, Amanda Jenner, has recently been awarded the 'Mother & Baby Silver Award for the Best Travel product 2010/11' so clearly, its not just me who is an advocate for this product.
Thanks to our friends at Outlook Australia and My Carry Potty, we've got a 'My Carry Potty' to giveaway. I cannot express how handy they are, and how much I urge you to enter. And entering is really easy. All I need to know from you is: Tell me about the dream holiday destination, that you would take your 'My Carry Potty' to? See details on how to enter below, and competition conditions.
Oh, and please feel free to add your best potty training tip too....
How to enter: All you need to do is follow 'the little hip traveller' on either facebook, twitter or this blog, and then comment on this blog with the answer to the question . Of course, if you want to follow me on all 3 then you will get 3 entries into the competition! Make sure you leave a separate comment if you follow in more than one place, so you can get a more entries...If you do already follow me in all those ways...great, thanks so much for your support. Please do me one more favour, and link your blog, website, facebook page, twitter, or email your friends, and tell them about the little hip traveller. Do leave me a comment anyway and let me know, and you will automatically be entered into the competition. Thanks x
Follow the little hip traveller blog using the google reader box to the right of this page, networked blogs or Subscribe through RSS feed. (v easy, just follow the steps)
Follow me on facebook by clicking here
Follow me on twitter by clicking here
Follow the little hip traveller blog using the google reader box to the right of this page, networked blogs or Subscribe through RSS feed. (v easy, just follow the steps)
Follow me on facebook by clicking here
Follow me on twitter by clicking here
Comments to be left below for entry into this giveaway
Open to Australian and NZ readers only
The winner will be drawn at random and announced on the little hip traveller blog. If they do not contact me within 5 days, the prize will be redrawn
Competition closes Friday 17th December 2010 AEST 5pm.
Open to Australian and NZ readers only
The winner will be drawn at random and announced on the little hip traveller blog. If they do not contact me within 5 days, the prize will be redrawn
Competition closes Friday 17th December 2010 AEST 5pm.
Due to the busy Christmas postal service, the prize will not be sent until after Christmas / NYE.
The ladies from B.Box have once again been champions and sent my little 18 month old hip a fabulous 'essential travel bib' to test out (plus one to giveaway to you....) As you may have guessed by now, we love B.box, and have already mentioned the baby box in previous posts, but those clever ladies have expanded their product range even further, by introducing the essential nappy caddy and the essential travel bib too. What clever clogs they really are (and very busy mums too!)

Now, lets have a little chat about the essential travel bib....
Clearly they look extremely hip and trendy, and come in three different designs; Shining Star, Flower Power and Retro Circles. Love it already. The bib is contained inside a very cool looking case, which when unzipped and unfolded becomes a wipeable bib with a very handy catcher (just like those wonderful pelican bibs that I swear by at home, as they catch all most of the food!)

The bib is BPA, Phthalates and PVC free which of course is really important. Once you have finished your meal, and you are travelling / out and about, and no where near home, you can refold the bib, excess food, the spoon and all, and zip it back up...no more zip lock bags, and no more mess! You just need to remember to rinse it when you get home.
The last fabulous element is that hang it back on your bag or pram using the special loop attached. Perfect for travelling and being out and about - infact, an essential, and we love it! Simple but very effective. Well done those B.box girls.
So if you have a little hip one at home, and are eager to own your own essential travel bib, here's your chance.
The prize: The wonderful B.box ladies have provided me with a Retro Circles travel bib to giveaway.
How to enter: All you need to do is follow 'the little hip traveller' on either facebook, twitter or this blog, and comment on this post to let me know where you are following. Of course, if you want to follow me on all 3 then you will get 3 entries into the competition! Make sure you leave a separate comment if you follow in more than one place, so you can get a more entries...
Follow the little hip traveller blog using the google reader box to the right of this page or networked blogs (v easy, just follow the steps)
Follow me on facebook by clicking here
Follow me on twitter by clicking here
If you do already follow me in all those ways...great, thanks so much for your support. Please do leave me a comment anyway and let me know, and you will automatically be in the competition. Just one thing - please tell all your friends about the little hip traveller (via sharing through facebook or twitter, or the good old word of mouth!) as we would love everyone to be involved. Thanks x
Comments to be left below for entry into this giveaway
Open to both Australian and international readers
The winner will be drawn at random and announced on the little hip traveller blog. If they do not contact me within 7 days, the prize will be redrawn
Competition closes Friday 12th November 2010 AEST 5pm.